Chicken Alfredo - Crispy Brussels Sprouts - Pea Pickin' Cake - Dinner Club

My friend Brittany and I recently started a dinner club. We wanted a way to spend time together without spending a ton of money. Plus, Brittany wanted to improve her cooking skills. And I am by no means an expert at cooking, but I do cook dinner almost every night so I was all for having someone come over and cook with me!

So we started dinner club. Once a week, we will cook a meal together. We had our first dinner club meeting a couple days ago and had the best time. We wanted to keep it pretty simple but also, I wanted it to be something pretty impressive too so we decided on chicken alfredo, cripsy brussels sprouts, and pea pickin' cake. We called it Leslie and Ann Dinner club because we are silly and love Park and Recreation. 

I love chicken alfredo... I could eat pasta and any kind of sauce like every day but I especially love a creamy sauce.  Brittany isn't a huge fan of vegetables so I wanted us to make a new yet super likeable veggie dish. And of course we had to have dessert. Pea Pickin' cake has been one of my favorites for YEARS. I haven't perfected the aesthetic but it tastes fantastic. 

The pictures are below, followed by the recipes. If you click on the recipes, you can print them out! I hope you enjoy as much as we did! xo
